Help us support people with Kidney disease and their families
Kidney Health New Zealand

Kidney disease - a silent killer
400,000 New Zealanders, about 10% of the population, are in the early stages of Chromic Kidney Disease. Chronic Kidney Disease means long-term, permanent reduction in kidney function. 90% of people who have Kidney Disease don't know it as symptoms often don’t show until after damage is done. Early detection of Kidney problems can mean a slowing of the progression to the disease to the point where serious treatment is needed.
Over 4,500 New Zealanders have advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD). Chronic Kidney Disease is more common in Maori, Pacific and Asian people.
Each year about 1000 New Zealand adults are diagnosed with end stage kidney disease (ESKD). This is where their chronic kidney disease gets to the point where the kidneys are no longer able to keep the person alive.
Kidney Health NZ is a national organisation supporting kidney patients and their families by way of education, advocacy and research across all areas of kidney health - including organ donation and transplant, dialysis, early detection and prevention of chronic kidney disease.
We aim to serve all New Zealanders, raising awareness of kidney disease, and supporting those who have been diagnosed (along with their family and other supporters) and encouraging early detection to prevent the progression of Kidney damage.