Frequently asked questions
What is Kiteflyr?
Kiteflyr is a fundraising platform that allows a group to reach a financial goal by receiving contributions from supporters. We offer several ways to raise funds, including direct donations and donations through the Giving Account. We are a privately owned Auckland based company.
Is it free to register?
Yes, it is free for anyone to join Kiteflyr.
How can I contact Kiteflyr for help?
You can email us at: [email protected] or call us on (09) 951 9695 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
How can I pay/donate directly?
You can pay using your debit or credit card or with online banking by using account2account.
Is Kiteflyr safe?
Positively. Your credit card number is transmitted by SSL directly to a secure electronic vault. We don't record your credit card details anywhere so you have no need to worry about privacy. Payment Gateway by Direct Payment Solutions.
How can I report a problem with a cause?
There is an option on each cause's page where you can report a problem. Alternatively, email us at [email protected] and let us know your concerns. All reports are treated seriously and we will not communicate any of your personal details to the reported cause.
Will Kiteflyr share my personal details?
No, we will never share your personal details with anyone: your details are exclusively used to enable you to use our website. -
Is it free to set up a cause?
It is absolutely free to set up a cause! All it costs you to run a cause on Kiteflyr is a 6% admin fee plus a 2.5% payment processing fee on all direct donations. Wallet donations don't cost you anything.
Who can set up a cause?
We encourage both individuals and groups such as schools, sports clubs, university clubs, community groups, not-for-profits and charities to use Kiteflyr to achieve fundraising goals.
I'm a cause, what is the process to be paid out?
Causes are paid out monthly around the 15th for donations made in the previous calendar month, i.e. all donations made in June are paid out around the 15th of July. Your bank account must be verified, until that has been done, the monies will be held in a trust by Kiteflyr.
How do I verify my Bank Account?
You can verify your bank account by sending us a scan/photo of your bank statement. This needs to clearly show the name of the account holder and account number. In case of only having online banking, a screen shot of your online bank environment can suffice. -
What are reward points?
You earn dollar for dollar reward points by donating to a cause, whether this is a direct donation or through the Wallet. A $20 donation gives you 2- Reward Points. These points can be redeemed for Rewards on our website.
What rewards are available?
We aim to keep adding rewards to our site, so check our ‘Rewards Page’ to see what’s available and how many points are needed for each.
How do I check how many reward points I have?
You can see how many points you have available in your ‘My Account’. Simply log in and it will show on your dashboard. Alternatively, go to your ‘My Rewards’ within your 'My Account'.
How long will it take for my reward points to be attached to my account?
Instantly! -
Fundraising Events
Who can set up a fundraising event?
You have be a cause to set up a fundraising event. Setting up a cause is free though, and only takes 5 minutes to set up.
What are Kiteflyr partner venues?
Kiteflyr has partnered with some awesome venues who are happy for you to host fundraising events with them. All you need to do is contact them through our communications board and agree on a date, price etc.
Can I use my own venue?
You can use your own venue to host an event too. If you are using a school venue make sure you have their permission before creating your event.
Can I suggest a venue/join as a venue?
Yes, we welcome venue suggestions and encourage them to contact us to get listed on Kiteflyr.
How do I sell tickets to my event?
You can sell tickets using our simple e-ticketing system. So you don't have to worry about handling cash, or keeping track of how many tickets you sold; we do all that for you.
Can I set different prices for my tickets?
Yes, you can have different types of tickets, like child entry, adult entry, VIP entry etc. The different types of tickets and their prices can all be set by you.