Epsom Community Centre

The Epsom Community Centre has a wide range of facilities to cater to a variety of uses. As a community centre we welcome the use of our facilities from all within the community and we will always try our hardest to accomodate our users' needs.
Eden Epsom Hall
Fixed Projector/Screen
Sound System/UHF
Fully airconditioned
Attached Kitchen and Toilet
Whiteboards, tables, chairs
BBQ area for hire
Epsom Room
Full Kitchen and attached toilet Facilities
Ranfurly Room
Modern/New Fitout
Kitchen Facilities
Campbell Room
High Quality Tables/Chairs
Terms and Conditions
All queries to Epsom Community Centre directly.
Rooms can be hired on first come firsrt served basis.
Please vissit our website www.epsomcc.org.nz
Venue Details
200- 202 Gillies Avenue
(09) 638 7444
Rooms can be hired from early morning to late night 7 days a week.